After many months in a crazy world. Tim has created a wonderful group of artwork. Centered around one animal, the sunfish. Through these simple but stunningly beautiful artworks we see the complicated struggles, contemplation and fortitude that it takes everyday to maneuver through these trying times. Just as the small but mighty sunfish does everyday, so do we.
Metaphorically, Tim uses the sunfish to represent feelings and emotions we have all had through these past months.
The desire of unity and protection among family. The conundrums we face and decisions we have had to make in uncharted waters. The feelings of comfort and security that we find in our homes and the mental and physical relief it provides. The passion we all share to be back to normal again, and see the sunset as we once did before, with dreams and aspirations. Each piece lifts us up as we look to the future and find our strength.
This body of work conveys very personal feelings and yet they are shared by so many. There is no where to go but UP…together.
View these wonderful pieces here.
From the Studio of Tim Cherry –